Interaction of pre-trial investigation bodies and operative subdivisions in the complement of inquisi-tional-operative groups


  • Василь Васильович Топчій National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine



interaction, investigator, operative worker, inquisitional-operative group, internal affairs bodies


In this work investigates the interaction of pre-trial investigation bodies and operative subdivisions in the complement of inquisitional-operative groups. Are defined the main factors which proving the necessity of procedural interaction of the investigator and inquiry bodies in the complement of inquisitional-operative groups. Have been identified stages of the decision to create inquisitional-operative groups. Clarify the content of definition of the inquisitional-operative groups as a temporary formation which was established for the common coordinated activities, which consists of operative and other members of inquiry bodies and investigator (investigators) that has the appointment and which under the direction of investigator and with the introduction of intensive and prolonged operative and search measures is solve the crime by hot pursuit, investigate large volume of complex cases or verification of applications and notifications about veiled criminal acts on materials received by investigator to review. Was determined that one of the promising directions for further research on the interaction is the analysis of the place and role of inquisitional-operative groups in the solving of grave and especially grave crimes.



Author Biography

Василь Васильович Топчій, National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminology


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How to Cite

Топчій, В. В. (2014). Interaction of pre-trial investigation bodies and operative subdivisions in the complement of inquisi-tional-operative groups. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(33), 138–143.



Criminal Law and Criminology