Monitoring of land in Ukraine: legal aspects


  • Тетяна Костянтинівна Оверковська Vinnytsia National Agrarian University



land monitoring, monitoring of a soil on the agricultural lands, an agrochemical certification of the agricultural land


The article analyzes the legal aspects of the land monitoring implementation in Ukraine, the tasks and the prospects of the land monitoring improvement are determined, attention is drawn to the monitoring of agricultural land.

According to the legislation of Ukraine, land monitoring can be considered as an important component of an environmental monitoring.

The topicality of the publication is caused by the fact that the problems of rational use and protection of land is of particular importance nowadays, and its solution requires effective interventions, including legal matters. Land monitoring should be considered as one of the means of land degradation preventing.

Analysis of recent research and publications indicates that scientific papers of the scholars such as N. R. Malyshev, M. I. Erofeev, D. V. Busuioc, S. V. Sharapova and others are devoted to the issues of legal regulation of land. However, some aspects of legal regulation of land monitoring still require further scientific study and research, and that is the purpose of this publication.

The article reveals that the land monitoring methods of carrying out need an improvement, an effective national system of monitoring the quality of land and soil need to be formed. This is caused by the fact that these monitoring systems enable to constantly adjust both quantitative norms and standards, and to set types of contaminants to be monitored. Organizational and legal framework of the land monitoring needs an update by creation of a special body for the monitoring of land and soil, that is called Land Monitoring Centre of Ukraine.

It is concluded that among the main objectives of land and soil monitoring is the forecast of environmental consequences of land degradation, which aims to: 1) early detection of land’s state and soil characteristics’ changes; 2) evaluation of the implementation of measures for the land protection; 3) conservation and restoration of soil fertility; 4) prevention of negative processes and elimination of this effect.

Author Biography

Тетяна Костянтинівна Оверковська, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Оверковська, Т. К. (2015). Monitoring of land in Ukraine: legal aspects. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(34), 125–128.



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