Implementation of the law of Ukraine «On higher education»: tasks and mechanisms of realization


  • Світлана Григорівна Головко National aviation university



the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», implementation, regulatory support, mechanisms of realization


This paper examines the problem of legal support of the nation higher education. Innovative norms of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", their importance for the quality of the educational sphere modernization according to the standards of international law, development priorities of European education area are analyzed. The basic directions and mechanisms of implementation of the new law are determined. Expediency and importance of the involvement of the scientific and educational communities, experts in the area of legislation about education, community are explained.

Adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" was the important step in the development of national education sphere. The new law entered into force in September, 2014, and its implementation is connected with qualitative changes in the system of training of highly qualified specialists and introduction of European standards of higher education. The law establishes the legal, organizational and financial principles of the higher education system in Ukraine, creates the conditions for strengthening cooperation of government bodies of state power and businesses with higher education institutions, organic combination of education with research activities, modern production and technologies with the aim to train competitive human capital for the high technical and innovation development of the state, self-identity, the needs of a society, the labor and state market for skilled professionals. The implementation of the new law provides realization of the definite steps that are connected with development and implementation of regulatory mechanisms of its implementation. Therefore, the analysis of the main directions of this socially important and crucial for the development of national higher education is the topical problem.

The implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" entered an active phase and involves the complex system of steps. The most important of these are: preparation of relevant institutions with the involvement of specialists of the national and specialized academies of science, representatives of social organizations, draft laws that outline the mechanisms for implementation of the new law; organization of the broad public discussion of the created documents and their careful examination; creation of effective communication links between all participants of this process.

Author Biography

Світлана Григорівна Головко, National aviation university

Candidate of Historical Sciences


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How to Cite

Головко, С. Г. (2015). Implementation of the law of Ukraine «On higher education»: tasks and mechanisms of realization. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(34), 24–29.

