Creditor remedies under Convention on international interests in mobile equipment in case of debtor insolvency


  • Галина Віталіївна Цірат University of current knowledge



financing, mobile equipment, International encumbrances, the applicable law, default, insolvency, creditor


Different kinds of transactions under which aviation equipment is financed and mechanisms of creditors'remedies are analyzed in the article. The author proves necessity for Ukraine to ratify the Convention and the protocol and choose an Option A of the Protocol as the most adequate remedy for the creditors.

Author Biography

Галина Віталіївна Цірат, University of current knowledge

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of Law


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How to Cite

Цірат, Г. В. (2010). Creditor remedies under Convention on international interests in mobile equipment in case of debtor insolvency. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(14), 69–72.



Commercial Law