In the article are historical of confession of public prosecutor the subject of criminal production


  • Ірина Борисівна Ротнова Nakhimov district



prosecutor, functions of prosecution, legal reform, criminal proceedings


A thus, analysing historical experience, we see that a requirement is in such public organ, as an office ofpublic prosecutor, with peculiar only to him by the aggregate of tasks, functions and plenary powers, becomes especially sharp in periods of serious transformations in public relations, political system. The organs of office of public prosecutor were always examined and used in quality effective instrument of strengthening of the mode of legality which stipulates development of the legal state. The office of public prosecutor of Ukraine passed the difficult historical way of development, evolved from an organ which protected interests of monarch, to the guarantor of providing of rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Author Biography

Ірина Борисівна Ротнова, Nakhimov district

Assistant Prosecutor, the applicant


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How to Cite

Ротнова, І. Б. (2011). In the article are historical of confession of public prosecutor the subject of criminal production. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(18), 100–104.



Criminal Law and Criminology