The principle of non-interference in private life as a way to protect your face in the criminal process


  • В. В. Назаров National Aviation University



principle of privacy, participants in criminal proceedings, criminal procedural safeguards, restrictions on constitutional rights, pre-trial investigation authorities


The article summarized the rules of the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine regarding the essence of the principles of non-interference in private life, studied criminal procedural guarantees of noninterferencein private life revealed procedural mechanisms for limiting the right to privacy in the criminal proceedings.

Author Biography

В. В. Назаров, National Aviation University

Doctor of Law, Professor


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How to Cite

Назаров, В. В. (2012). The principle of non-interference in private life as a way to protect your face in the criminal process. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(24), 114–118.



Criminal Law and Criminology