The problems of the choice of the most expedient form of codification of the norms of international private law


  • С. В. Вишновецька National aviation university
  • К. В. Ющенко National aviation university



form of codification, private international law, "autonomous" codification of private international law norms


In the article are determined the advantages of «autonomous» codification of the norms of internationalprivate law. The authors give a conclusion that the most expedient form of codification of the norms of internationalprivate law is its fixing in the separate law.

Author Biographies

С. В. Вишновецька, National aviation university

Candidate of Law, docent

К. В. Ющенко, National aviation university

Master of Law


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How to Cite

Вишновецька, С. В., & Ющенко, К. В. (2012). The problems of the choice of the most expedient form of codification of the norms of international private law. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(24), 84–87.

