Providing of development of personality of child and warning of criminal activity of part of minor in a context international rules, principles and recommendations


  • Наталія Семенівна Юзікова Dnepropetrovsk National University of Oles Gonchar



Rights of the child, The child's interests, Criminal justice, Juvenile crime prevention, Prevention of misuse of alcohol, drugs, Incarceration of juveniles


In the article the basic postulates of international principles are expounded in regard to defence of interests of child and prevention of crime minor. Directions of providing socially of acceptable space are certain for development of personality of child in the context of international recommendations

Author Biography

Наталія Семенівна Юзікова, Dnepropetrovsk National University of Oles Gonchar

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Department of Administrative and Criminal Law


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How to Cite

Юзікова, Н. С. (2013). Providing of development of personality of child and warning of criminal activity of part of minor in a context international rules, principles and recommendations. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(26), 149–154.



Criminal Law and Criminology