


open innovation, closed innovation, innovation process, legal research and educational institutions, internal innovations


Goal: establishing the essence of the open innovation model and identifying the best practices of its implementation for the successful development of legal research and educational institutions of Ukraine, formation of proposals for the introduction of open innovations in domestic legal education and science. Research methods: general (theoretical and complex) and special research methods (system-functional, formal-logical, statistical, forecasting) have been utilized. Results: reasons that hinder the implementation of new managerial strategies in legal research and educational institutions of Ukraine that would promote the commercialization of research outcomes in this area have been identified, ways for these institutions to switch a modern model of open innovation have been proposed, promising opportunities for the use of alternative sources of knowledge and information exchange are outlined. Discussion: opportunities offered by the model of open innovation for legal research and educational institutions, an in-depth analysis of the three major managerial tasks under the  open innovation approach according to West and Gallagher and the state of affairs with their performance in Ukraine’s legal research and educational institutions, the (lack of) relevant legislation, global best practices in the application of the open innovation approach and the prospects of their implementation in Ukraine, ways to overcome the chronical underfinancing and an efficient use of the available resources, the importance of taking part in the international informational exchange and training innovation managers, the shortcomings of the traditional model of management of legal research and educational institutions, use of modern databases and special scientific platforms to attract external knowledge and present their own achievements, combining legal science and education with entrepreneurship, joint innovation activities on the basis of industrial centers.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Pastukhov, University of Malta

Candidate of Law, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of European and Comparative Law

Liubov Netska, National Aviation University

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economic, Air and Space Law


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How to Cite

Pastukhov, O., & Netska, L. (2021). OPEN INNOVATION: GLOBAL EXPERIENCES AND LESSONS FOR LEGAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(61), 226–233.

