victim of crime, determination, the relationship between the victim and the offender, domestic conflict, domestic violenceAbstract
Purpose: the article reveals the issue of determination of criminal aggression in the conditions of quarantine isolation. Research methods: the analysis of determination of individual criminal behavior is carried out on the basis of general theoretical provisions of science of criminology, psychology and criminal law, developed by leading domestic and foreign scientists. Thus, the system-structural method was used to study the classification of types of causes of domestic violence, it was also used in the analysis of the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention and Counteraction to Domestic Violence» to identify features that characterize this type of offense; with the help of statistical analysis and expert evaluation, the materials contained in open Internet sources were processed. Results: this article analyzes the impact of quarantine restrictions on aggression that leads to domestic violence. Discussion: the study of the causes and conditions of crime contributes to the solution of many theoretical problems of criminology. But crime strategies and specific preventive measures depend even more on it. Devoted his scientific works to the study of the determination of crime Yu.M. Antonyan, В.В. Golina, O.M. Djuzha, A.I. Dolgova, А.P. Zakaluk, А.F. Zelinsky, O.G. Kalman, V.V. Kovalenko, V.M. Kudryavtsev, N.F. Kuznetsova, P.P. Mykhaylenko and others. But the question of the impact of quarantine restrictions in a pandemic on criminal aggression, only at the beginning of his study. The article defines the definition, which is understood as the interaction of all processes, phenomena, facts that give rise to crime, allow it to maintain a certain state and affect the latter.
Statistics contained in open Internet sources show an increase in domestic violence both in Ukraine and abroad.
Thus, according to representatives of the UN Population Fund in Ukraine, which provide shelter to victims of domestic violence: during the quarantine they received 37% more appeals.
The article also concludes that forced round-the-clock isolation in one closed space contributes to the creation of a conflicted life situation, which leads to aggression towards one’s close environment.
Attention is also drawn to the fact that during quarantine restrictions, law enforcement agencies are not able to respond quickly to all challenges arising from a pandemic, as quarantine restrictions imposed by the country’s authorities also require the involvement of law enforcement officers in their software.
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As courts close for the coronavirus, officials and advocates adjust to protect domestic violence victims. URL: https://www.inquirer.com/news/ coronavirus-protection-from-abuse-orders-philadelphia-domestic-violence-20200406.html
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