school of «free law», concept of «living law», legal understanding, informatization of society, anthropocentrism, sociology of law, law enforcementAbstract
Objective: analysis of the provisions of the concept of «living law» by E. Erlich and its impact on the formation of modern legal understanding in the context of informatization and pandemic. Research methodology: the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific and special methods are used in the article. Findings: the phenomenon of «living law» in the conditions of information-globalization processes and pandemic is analyzed, ideas for improvement of public administration with application of provisions of the concept of «living law» are offered. Discussion: understanding of law through the prism of social manifestations, the study of its social nature.
For more than a century, the theory of «living law» has not lost its relevance. This is due to the continuous development of society and the active emergence of new relationships. The authors of the article are convinced that the study of the social nature of law will solve many problems faced by modern legal science in the rapid development of the information society.
- Ehrlich’s concept of «living law» presupposes the connection of a legal norm with public interests and needs. Law is only a way of expressing law, and law is «alive» only when it is reflected in social relations. It should be noted that the concept of «living law» is not to deny the need for formally established rules of law, but rather explains the need to supplement them in the application of real «living» social relations.
We believe that the provisions of the concept of E. Ehrlich should be applied in the introduction of innovations in society, because «living law» allows us to determine the need for society in one or another change. This facilitates the adoption of really necessary legislation and makes public administration rational.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ehrlich’s concept of «living law» has not only not lost, but has become even more relevant, as society has new needs that according to the provisions of the concept must be implemented by law and provided by the state.
The application of the provisions of the concept of «living law» is one of the means of improving government regulation. The state in its policy, first of all, must be based on social needs.
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