non-discrimination, equality, legal policy, genesis, formation, development, human rightsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to represent the author’s historical classification of the formation and development of legal policy of non-discrimination and equality. Research methods are a set of philosophical methods (including dialectical and hermeneutic), general scientific (comparison, historical, analysis and synthesis) and special scientific methods (historical-legal and theoretical classification method). Results: according to the historical criterion, the following stages of formation of the legal policy of non-discrimination are distinguished: 1) emergence of understanding of the principle of equality of people as a general international standard; 2) approval at the international and constitutional level of civilized states of the principle of racial equality; 3) development of specialized anti-discrimination laws in certain areas and on certain grounds of discrimination, in particular in the field of gender equality; 4) legal policy in the field of overcoming the problems of intolerance on the basis of religion, belief, ethnic origin and language; development of international legal regulation to ensure an inclusive environment for people with disabilities; 5) intensification of attention to age discrimination; 6) raising the issue of comprehensive legal regulation of the latest signs of discrimination, which are associated with the development of biotechnology and medicine. Discussion: on the basis of current regulations and the actualization of the problems they address, the genesis of legal policy in the field of non-discrimination on various grounds is indicated.
The article argues that all standards of equality and non-discrimination have developed gradually, and international standards have evolved from the consolidation of the principle of equality as a fundamental paradigm of international legal regulation of human rights to the actualization of certain types of discrimination. The authors proved that racial discrimination is the first of the criteria that received special attention, proved the gradual actualization of other types of discrimination. It is stated that at present we cannot assume that discriminatory features have been revealed and protected, as the emergence of new social paradigms causes additional problems in the field of discrimination.
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