
  • Ірина Анатоліївна Толкачова Національний авіаційний університет



All-Ukrainian referendum, local referenda, democracy, legitimacy, expression of will


Purpose: research of place and role of All-Ukrainian and local referenda, clarification of the main problems of the institute of referendum in Ukaraine. Methods of research: when writing the article, a set of methods of scientific cognition – philisophical, legal and general scientific, were used. Comparative and legal method gave an opportunity to distinguish features of formation and usage of the institute of referendum in Ukraine. With the help of the method of movement from abstract to concrete, there were determined peculiarities of organization and conduct of All-Ukrainian and local referenda in Ukraine. During research of the concept, signs and kinds of referenda, methods of analysis and synthesis were widely used. Sociological, logical, dialectic and other methods are a methodological basis of the article. Results: place and role of All-Ukrainian and local referenda were determined; the most actual problems of the institute of referendum in Ukraine were emphasized. It was established that normative and legal acts on procedures of referenda in the state were absent, that is at present there is no mechanism of implementation of this institute. Lack of opportunity to participate in referenda is a clear violation of people’s rights for expression of will, who are a single source of power in Ukraine. It is referendum, the main legal institution, that allows citizens to participate in the management of public affairs and decide the fate of their state. Also, taking into account the integration of Ukraine to the standards of the European Union, involvement of the Ukrainian people in participating in all-Ukrainian and local referenda will allow to resolve issues of both national and local importance. This will contribute to increasing economic, social and political stability; ensuring priority of human rights and proper implementation of the rule of law in Ukraine; stimulating representative and executive authorities to exercise their powers openly, etc. Discussion: legislation on All-Ukrainian and local referenda in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Ірина Анатоліївна Толкачова, Національний авіаційний університет

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How to Cite

Толкачова, І. А. (2019). PROBLEMS OF PARTICIPATION OF THE CITIZENS OF UKRAINE IN ALL-UKRAINIAN AND LOCAL REFERENDA. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(52), 89–94.

