
  • Наталія Василівна Пильгун Національний авіаційний університет



legal system, the functioning of the legal system of Ukraine, problems of functioning of the legal system of Ukraine


Objective: the article is devoted to the concept of legal system of Ukraine and its functioning in modern society. It is proven that the legal system of Ukraine was formed on the historically folded legal systems of the world and under the influence of various legal and social concepts, due to its geopolitical position of Ukraine. However, the legal system of Ukraine was formed in difficult conditions in the absence of State independence during significant periods of its history.  In this aspect it can be argued that the formation and development of the legal system of Ukraine due to specific historical circumstances. Research methods: research carried out using generally accepted methods of scientific knowledge, such as: analytical, comparative law, semantically-cognitive system, statistical and other. The basis of the methodology in this study is a systematic approach that a certain object is regarded as a bagatoaspektne phenomenon, which consists of various elements, the ratio between which form a relatively stable structure of the legal system Ukraine and ensure its integrity. Results: stated the concept of the legal system and the basic premise of its functioning in society. Solved problems in the functioning of the legal system of Ukraine and the prospects of its development. Discussion: search for ways to improve the functional areas of the development of the legal system of Ukraine, to maintain the balance of private and public interests in public relations. Statement of opinion about what the legal system is an essential element of the legal culture of the society in which combines social, systemic and legal properties and it is not only the result of a life of people, but also a form of organization of social relations and is characterized by a social orientation.

Author Biography

Наталія Василівна Пильгун, Національний авіаційний університет

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How to Cite

Пильгун, Н. В. (2019). CONCEPT OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM OF UKRAINE AND ITS FUNCTIONING IN SOCIETY. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(52), 47–54.

