
  • Jan Stajnko



Welzel, social adequacy, petty crime, petty offence, minor offence, minor crime, trivial offence, trivial crime


Purpose: the main objective of this contribution is to show that the notion petty crime is a complex concept which can, at least in part, be understood in the light of the doctrine of social adequacy. Methods: dogmatic method (methods of classification, description and compilation) as well as axiological method were used in the study of the notion petty offence and the doctrine of social adequacy. Results: factual and normative criteria extracted from the doctrine of social adequacy can have a profound impact on the understanding of the notion of petty crime. Discussion: because it impacts the concept of petty crime, understanding of Welzel's substantive criteria for social adequacy of conduct is crucial for lawgivers, criminologists and judges alike.


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How to Cite

Stajnko, J. (2017). SOCIALLY ADEQUATE CONDUCT AS PETTY CRIME. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(45), 124–130.



Criminal Law and Criminology