The State Agency on Electronic Governance of Ukraine in system of public authorities


  • Марія Василівна Рощук National Aviation University



electronic governance, information society, National program of informatization, the State Agency on Electronic Governance of Ukraine, state enterprise «State Information Resources Centre of Ukraine», the National Centre of electronic governance


In this article, it is being examined legal status of the State Agency on Electronic Governance of Ukraine in system of public authorities, learning questions of its improvement and place in the system of public authorities. Examining of functions and tasks of the State Agency on Electronic Governance of Ukraine as general state customer of the National program of informatization. Analyzing of activity of SE «State Information Resources Centre of Ukraine» and role of the National Centre of electronic governance in the process of functioning of the State Agency and implementation of electronic governance in Ukraine.

The main task of the state at current stage of state building is to ensure rights and freedoms of man and citizen in all areas of government and public life, as a form of governance, whereby is an active interaction between state authorities and local governments together with society, man and citizen, business by means of information and communication technologies.

The topicality of electronic governance is defined by the changes of approaches of management of state government and local government participation in the management of citizens their access to information on the activities of state authorities and local governments through the use of modern information and communication technologies.

The important place in the defined questions are occupied by activities and functioning of the central executive body that implements the state policy in the field of information, electronic governance, formation and usage of national electronic information resources, development of information society – the State Agency on Electronic Governance of Ukraine.

Due to the changes on the activities of the State Agency on Electronic Governance Ukraine and amended according to Government Resolution from the November 16, 2016 № 887, the Agency got more freedom and space for exercise of its powers. On the other hand, is increased the amount of responsibility.

Due to the Chapter 2, article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Informatization Program" is set that general state customer of the National program of informatization is a central executive body, determined by the President of Ukraine that is contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine.

The direct implementation of the tasks of the Agency, in particular to ensure the functioning of the electronic interaction between the executive authorities, unified information resource website of appeals to the state authorities and local authorities is engaged in State Enterprise "State Center for Information Resources of Ukraine" (SE "Derzhinformresurs"), which belongs to its jurisdiction.

Furthermore, as a structural unit of the SE "Derzhinformresurs" was established the National Center of Electronic Governance, the main tasks of which are to collect, systematize and disseminate information on the development of Electronic Governance; organization of expert research on search of effective solutions in the field of electronic governance; organizing and conducting of scientific conferences, seminars, round tables and other events on Electronic Governance and so on.

In our opinion, this will provide an opportunity to realize the idea of "electronic government", which is to solve three basic problems of power: to introduce electronic document that will reduce bureaucratic hurdles and accelerate the adoption of laws; to convert the electronic form of communication of citizens and business with the government and, in order, to make state and municipal government more transparent and bring it closer to the citizens.

Author Biography

Марія Василівна Рощук, National Aviation University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Рощук, М. В. (2017). The State Agency on Electronic Governance of Ukraine in system of public authorities. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(42), 80–85.

