The essence of administrative and legal instrument of realization the rights of military servicemen for payment for one time financial assistance


  • Катерина Петрівна Жидченко Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev



social protection, instrument, one time financial assistance, administrative rule, state guarantees


The author gives a definition of the concept of the administrative and legal instrument of realization the rights of military servicemen for payment for one time financial assistance, its structure and the process of agreeing with basic rights of contingent that provide to understand the legal nature of such instrument and determine the features of its implementation in terms of military service.

The author determines the instrument of administrative regulation which allows studying the whole process of regulation, systematizing it, studying its structure,   of all elements with its certain characteristics. Moreover, the studying of the administrative and legal instrument of realization the rights of military servicemen for payment for one time financial assistance cannot be without establishing its components.

The author proves that the essential feature of the instrument of administrative regulation is to realize the basic aims of payment: providing entities entitled to them and the public interest of the state in general. As a result achieving these aims provide an opportunity to consider the system of social protection of military servicemen much more effective.

The article focuses on details of the administrative and legal instrument of realization the rights of military servicemen. The author considers that the object of administrative legal relations of guarantee the right of contingent is collaboration of these entities.

It is concluded that the administrative and legal instruments of realization the rights of military servicemen for payment for one time financial assistance are used not to the full extent by the current system of social protection in Ukraine.  Consequently, nowadays it is possible to speak only about some elements of such payments, which is largely characterized by using the principles of social protection.

However, it should also be noted that studying exactly the system of social protection of military servicemen is necessary and obliged due to the absolute benefits.

Author Biography

Катерина Петрівна Жидченко, Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev



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How to Cite

Жидченко, К. П. (2016). The essence of administrative and legal instrument of realization the rights of military servicemen for payment for one time financial assistance. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(40), 67–72.

