Peculiarity of Labour Function of the Aviation Transport Workers


  • Світлана Володимирівна Синенко Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law



aviation personnel, labour function, labour contract, qualification, occupation, profession


The peculiarity of labour function of the aviation transport workers is researched in the article. Analyzing the effective legislation the author makes theoretical research of the labour function of the aviation transport workers. Legal opinions of scientists on the issue are shown there. The author determines the peculiarity of labour function of the aviation transport workers.

The article is devoted to research of specificity of the labour function of the air transport employees. Analysing the effective legislation the author makes theoretical research of the labour function of the air transport employees. The legal opinions of scientists on this problem are shown there. Analysing the opinions of scientists on the definition of concept “labour function”, the author makes a conclusion that the labour function of the air transport employees is a set of tasks and responsibilities determined by the competent state authorities and agreement of the labour contract parties prearranged by the technologic process, specificity and the kind of activity of the enterprises, institutions, transport organizations which employee should perform on the basis of his/her knowledge (skills) and professional training according to his/her speciality, qualifications, occupation (profession).

The specificity of the labour function of the air transport employees is defined. The author makes a conclusion that in the process of transportation there involved different groups of the air transport employees. Some of them only ensure conditions necessary for qualitative transportation of baggage, cargo and passengers, but they are not directly involved in the process of transportation of baggage, cargo and passengers. Such category of employees performs its labour obligations in normal conditions, without any specificity. Legal regulation of work of these persons is made by using the general rules of labour law. Other air transport employees perform their labour obligations in special conditions which are dangerous to life and health not only for them but also for the passengers they carry because their professional activity is related to the maintenance of the increased danger source.

Specificity of the labour function of the air transport employees reflects the main purpose of activity of the aviation branch, and the labour conditions of its employees point out to the conditions in which this goal is achieved.

Author Biography

Світлана Володимирівна Синенко, Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Синенко, С. В. (2016). Peculiarity of Labour Function of the Aviation Transport Workers. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(40), 17–23.

