Legal regulation of the right of private ownership to land plots in Ukraine


  • Юрій Валентинович Корнєєв National Aviation University



right to private land ownership, private ownership, private ownership subjects, objects of private property rights


In this article was shown the features of private ownership of land in Ukraine. In particular, analyzes types of private ownership; identified civil grounds the acquisition of private ownership of land; considered the grounds and procedure for the right of private ownership of land.

The right of private ownership of land means a specified area on land owned by a particular individual or a legal entity. The specific of the acquisition of private ownership of land are subjects who have that right. Citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens, persons without citizenship are different in terms of rights to acquire land ownership.

Thus, citizens of Ukraine may have in property any land, transfer the ownership of which is provided by the Land Code of Ukraine. Foreign persons and stateless persons cannot acquire ownership of agricultural land. If they received the agricultural land an inheritance, they should alienateitduring the year. Land plotson which are immovable property may be in these individuals on private property.

The acquisition of property rights through privatization of land provided by the land legislation. If the authority refused to transfer land ownership or leaving the application without consideration, a citizen may apply to the court for forcing the appropriate authority to take actions necessary to free privatization of land. The procedure of privatization of land in the amount of land (share).

The citizens - employees of state and communal agricultural enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as pensioners from among them, interested in to get free in the ownership of land, which are in constant use of these enterprises and institutions file a motion for the privatization of these lands under the rural, town or city council or district, Kyiv, Sevastopol city state administration. The basis and procedure for termination of ownership of land. Causes for termination of land ownership are legal facts with which the law associates termination of legal rights of land ownership. The Land Code of Ukraine determines the legal facts that cause the termination of state, municipal and private land ownership.

Author Biography

Юрій Валентинович Корнєєв, National Aviation University

Associate Professor at  the Department of Air and Space Law, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.)


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How to Cite

Корнєєв, Ю. В. (2016). Legal regulation of the right of private ownership to land plots in Ukraine. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(39), 144–150.



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