Designing of technological processes of decision-making support information system in integrated modular avionics
information systems, decision-making support, project in the aviation industry, automated design system, technological process, integrated modular avionicsAbstract
The experience of world leaders in the industry shows that the key factors in achieving efficient and productive work organization are the reorganization of the information flow scheme, the optimization of the organizational structure of companies and the scheme of production process management. This creates a single information space in which the information model of the product is created and maintained throughout its life cycle. For modern aircraft construction one of the important and urgent tasks is the automation of technological processes. The solution of this problem will give the chance to increase efficiency of technological designing and to carry out technological planning of production resources. Integrated modular avionics (IMA) allows you to reduce subsystems that are smaller in weight, take up less space and consume energy (SWaP). IMA makes it possible to isolate the application not only from the basic bus architecture, but also from the basic hardware architecture, this practice expands the possibilities of transferring applications between different platforms, which allows you to introduce new equipment to replace obsolete architectures. Therefore, IMA should allow multiple applications to share, use, and access the same computing resources at the same time, so fewer subsystems need to be deployed, resulting in more efficient use of system resources and room for future expansion. IMA allows the reuse of inherited code. This reduces development time by providing a method of redeploying existing applications without major modifications. IMA reduces replacement costs because IMA facilitates reuse and because separating the components of the platform that run on a single processor simplifies impact analysis by reducing the cost of retesting. IMA makes it easy to support applications with ever-increasing functionality. IMA uses multi-core processor technology to facilitate a variety of applications such as I / O; running multiple disparate operating environments, such as non-COTS Linux, through virtualization.References
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