Features of the construction of the modern information and computer network of the airwall


  • Володимир Iванович Дрововозов
  • Сергій В'ячеславович Водоп'янов
  • Олена Володимирівна Толстікова




Construction of the modern information and computer network of the aerouzzle, taking into account the current state and the predicted increase of air traffic intensity, is an actual task. One of the most important directions of improvement of aviation communication infrastructure is the integration of existing, and in particular, future air traffic management in the so-called "system of systems", based on the seamless organization of aviation networks and docking of network segments. At the decision of problems of improvement of the aviation communication infrastructure the model of architecture of the integrated network of the aerospace is offered. In addition to composite communication networks that combine different segments, the integrated network of the aerospace includes a number of service networks used to provide exchange of information that is not related to the organization of air traffic. Examples are trunking and mobile networks, sensory networks for information gathering. Taking into account these considerations, a network of future aviation communications systems with the use of certain personal satellite services is offered.


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