Organization of conveyor computer systems on the a VHDL-based technology


  • В. И. Опанасєнко Институт кибернетики им. В. М. Глушкова НАН Украины
  • А. Н. Лисовый Институт кибернетики им. В. М. Глушкова НАН Украины



Abstract: The structural realization of the PLD-based of a Xilinx type FPGA 32-bit modules of addition with a floating point appropriate to the standard IEEE-754, executed by using the behavioral description of algorithm by language VHDL is offered. The check of functioning of the modules of addition by a method of modeling in system ModelSim Xilinx Edition - MXEII with the help of the verifying stand is realized

Author Biography

В. И. Опанасєнко, Институт кибернетики им. В. М. Глушкова НАН Украины

канд. хехн. наук


Hollash S. IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers / S. Hollash/ Available at htpp:// IEEE / IEEE Standard 754 Floating- Point.htm.

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