Автокореляційні функції та їх застосування для оцінки якості заходу на посадку


  • Yuriy Hryshchenko National Aviation University
  • Andrey Skripets National Aviation University
  • Vladimir Tronko National Aviation University



Ключові слова:

динамічний стереотип, кореляційна функція, траєкторія польоту


У цій статті описуються функції кореляції між інформацією про траєкторію польоту і викривленнями при операції слідкування оператора. Це пов'язано з його психофізіологічними особливостями в стані високої напруженості.

Біографії авторів

Yuriy Hryshchenko, National Aviation University

Hryshchenko Yurii (1958). Candidate of Engineering. Associate Professor.
Associate Professor of the Department of avionics, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (1987).
Research area: flight safety and dependability of technical and ergonomics systems.

Andrey Skripets, National Aviation University

Skripets Andrey (1945). Candidate of Engineering. Professor.
Head of the Department of avionics, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (1969).
Research area: technical operation, engineer psychology, ergonomics and human factor in aviation

Vladimir Tronko, National Aviation University

Tronko Vladimir (1939). Doctor of Physics and Mathematics . Professor.
Professor of the Department of avionics, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Education: Kyiv State Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine (1962).
Research area: optoelectronics and laser technique and avionics link.


Hryshchenko Yu.V. Ways of increasing safety of flying processes by removing negative effects // Problems of occupational safety and the environment protection in the manufacturing processes of civil aviation: Collection of scientific

papers – K. : KCAEI. 1989. – P. 81-84 (in Russian).

Hryshchenko Yu.V., Kurushkіna Ya.O. Using the invariance principle of management systems in assessing of strengthened reflexes I.M. Sechenov. // Cybernetics and computer engineering: Interdepartmental collection of scientific papers. –

K.: Publishing house "Academperіodics" NAS of Ukraine, 2004. – Edition 143. – P. 39-44 (in Russian).

Hryshchenko Yu.V., Solomencev A.V. The justification for applying the principle of invariance at analysis of processes in man-machine systems by nonclassical methods // Cybernetics and computer engineering: Interdepartmental collection of

scientific papers. – K.: Publishing house "Academperіodics" NAS of Ukraine, 2009. – Edition. 156. – P. 71-76 (in Russian).

Grishchenko Y.V., Gulenko V.D., Hohlov E.M. The ways for indeterminism overcoming in the analysis of flight crew errors. // The fourth world congress “Aviation in the XXI century”, “Safety in aviation and space technology”, September 21-23,

– P. 33.22 – 33.25.

Hryshchenko Yu.V. Amplification phenomenon of the dynamic stereotype of pilot under the influence of complex failures // Ergonomic flight safety issues: Collection of scientific tracts. – K. : KCAEI,К. 1987. – P. 87-91 (in Russian).

Hryshchenko Yu.V. Determination of phenomenon of amplification of the dynamic stereotype of pilot at the workplace of instructor during flight // Ergonomic methods of certification

and rationalization of workplaces and manufacturing processes in civil aviation: Collection of scientific papers – K.: KCAEI, 1988. – P. 43-47 (in Russian).

Hryshchenko Yu.V. Scientific research on the anti-stress preparation of specialists in a quarter century // Proceedingss of the National Aviation University. – 2014. – №1 (58). – P. 53-58.

Hryshchenko Y.V. Training of pilots to fly in special situations considering the phenomenon of amplification of the dynamic stereotype // Cybernetics and computer engineering:

Interdepartmental collection of scientific papers. – K. : Publishing house "Academperіodics" NAS of Ukraine, 2003. – Edition. 139. – P. 81-85 (in Russian)



Як цитувати

Hryshchenko, Y., Skripets, A., & Tronko, V. (2015). Автокореляційні функції та їх застосування для оцінки якості заходу на посадку. Вісник Національного авіаційного університету, 63(2), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.63.8830



Аерокосмічні системи моніторінгу та керування