Транспортне право та сертифікаційний процес у Польщі та Европейському Союзі


  • Marcin Paweska The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland
  • Dmytro Bugayko National Aviation University
  • Mariia Grigorak National Aviation University
  • Robert Mendrun The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland



Ключові слова:

законодавство, логістика, ринок транспортно-логістичних послуг, сертифікація, транспортне право


Показано, що транспортне законодавство у Польщі визначається як набір правил, що регулюють не тільки транспортні питання, але і набір стандартів, що регулюють організацію транспорту. Наведено коротку характеристику логістичних законів і нормативних актів в Польщі та Європейському Союзі, а також промислових стандартів, які доповнюють формальні закони.

Біографії авторів

Marcin Paweska, The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland

Marcin Paweska. Ph.D.

Vice-Cancellor of the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland.

Education: Master degree, University of Rotterdam, Business Administration, Rotterdam, the Neatherlands (2005), Master degree, Wroclaw University of Economics, International Relations, Wroclaw, Poland (2005).

Research area: consulting projects within supply chain management, logistics and transport; projects concerning the improvement of logistic processes and inventory management system for companies.

Dmytro Bugayko, National Aviation University

Bugayko Dmytro (1973). Candidate of Economics. Associate Professor. Leading Researcher.

National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education: Faculty of Aviation Transportations Management, Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation, Kyiv, Ukraine (1995).

Research area: economic progress of civil aviation trends in the conditions of globalization of transport services market.

Mariia Grigorak, National Aviation University

Grygorak Mariia (1959). Candidate of Economics. Associate Professor.

Head of Logistics Department, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education: T. Shevchenko Kyiv State University, Specialty: Economic Cybernetics (1984).

Research area: logistics theory, logistics market, logistics system.

Robert Mendrun, The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland

Robert Mendrun. MSc. Eng., Researcher.

The International University of Logistics and Transport in Wroclaw, Poland.

Education: Master degree, Wroclaw University of Economics, Management and Informatics Faculty, Wroclaw, Poland (2003).

Research area: supply chain management, logistics and transport, international business, warehouse management, customs procedures and international forwarding.


Fechner, J.; Szyszka, G. 2004. Logistics in Poland. I red. Raport 2003, Logistics library, Poznan (in Poland).

Juscinski, S.; Piekarski, W. 2005. Development of Services Sector. Transport-Spedition-Logistics in Poland After Joining to the European Union. Operation and reliability. N 15: 20–29 (in Poland).

Klepacki, B.; Sabak, B. 2012. National and International Sources of Law in Road Transport. Czasopismo Logistyka N 6 (in Poland).

Kubisa, J. 2006. Liberalisation, privatisation and regulation in the Polish local public transport sector. Institute of Sociology. Warsaw University, November.


http://logistics.about.com/od/legalandgovernment/a/Road-Haulage-Certificate-Of-Professional-Compe tence.htm





Як цитувати

Paweska, M., Bugayko, D., Grigorak, M., & Mendrun, R. (2014). Транспортне право та сертифікаційний процес у Польщі та Европейському Союзі. Вісник Національного авіаційного університету, 57(4), 151–154. https://doi.org/10.18372/2306-1472.57.5598



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