Integrated system for training of aviation specialists


  • J. Stankunas



Co-operation between university and industrial potential is one of the most effective ways of organizing expensive studies in a small country. Co-operation between civil universities and military schools and structures is expedient in preparing reserve military specialist. An integrated system for the preparation of the specialists of civil and military aviation is precondition for the development of integrated management system of aviation and air space


Stankunas J. Training of Aviation Specialists for the Air Force: Ideas, Problems, Perspectives // Problems in Training Military Specialists: International Scientific Conference - Vilnius, Lithuanian Military Academy, 1997. - P. 83-90 (In Lithuanian)

Valiulis A., Stankunas J. Training of Specialists in Civil Aviation // AVIATION-96: Proceedings of International Conference. - VGTU, Technika, 1996. - P. 28-35.

The Structure and Programme of Practical Training of Aviation Specialists // J. Stankunas et al. The Scope, Place and Content of Practice in Engineering Education: Proceedings of SEFI Curriculum Development Group Seminar hold at Vilnius Technical University - May 1996. - SEFI Doc. No 18, Brussels. - P.89-94.

Stankunas J. Training of Pilots for Lithuanian Air Force: Concept and Experience // Meeting of NATO Air Force Armaments Group: Nato Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, 20-21 January 1999. - 9 p.

Lapinskas A. Integrated Air Traffic Management // Proceedings of Seminar Integrated Air Traffic Management. - Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-9 Nov. 2000. - 12 p.


Як цитувати

Stankunas, J. (2001). Integrated system for training of aviation specialists. Вісник Національного авіаційного університету, 9(2), 54–62.



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