Вимоги до подання
Під час подання рукопису до журналу автори повинні підтвердити його відповідність всім встановленим вимогам, вказаним нижче. В разі виявлення невідповідності поданої роботи пунктам цих вимог редакція повертатиме авторам матеріали на доопрацювання.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
An article is to be typed in Word for Windows 97-2003, A4 format (left and right side indention – 2 cm, top and bottom indention – 3 cm), font Times New Roman, size 11, in two columns on a page (column width 8.25 cm, interval between columns – 0.5 cm,) with single space between lines, indention – 0.5 cm.
The outline of the article is required to be organized from the top as follows:
1. The library index (UDC) is printed on the first page to the left side, size 10;
2. The authors’ full names and surnames are printed on the first page to the right side (small letters, semi-bold, point size – 11);
3. Title of the article (centre of the page, top indention – 6 pt, capital letters, semi-bold, size 11);
4. Full name of an employer and its address with postcode (centre of the page, size 10);
5. E-mail address of an author (centre of the page);
6. Abstract in English with key words (top and bottom indention – 6 pt, italics, size 10);
7. Text of the article with rubrics’ titles (size 11).
An article title should be laconic (up to 8 words, 2 lines). The title must not contain abbreviations.
Any abbreviation used in the article should come first with a full name.
Top and bottom indention (semi-bold) for tables, figures, formulas from the text – 6 pt. The maximum formula width is 8 cm.
Tables are presented in size 10.
At the top of the table the text is to be centre-align both horizontally and vertically.
All tables are to have headlines (size 10). Numeral headlines of the table (italic type, size 10) are to be right-align, thematic headlines are centre-align, semi-bold type, size 10).
In the article each figure and table has to be referred correspondingly. The article should not have reiterations, duplication data from the tables and figures. The units of physical quantities should be in compliance with the International system of units (CI).
The terminology of the article should be in compliance with the National standard. Authors are fully responsible for the content of the article and terminology used.
The formulas provided with references in the text are numbered by Arabic numerals and put in parenthesis. The numbers are right aligned.
The values in formulas are interpreted in separate lines. The logic of the formulas’ values explanation is required to be similar to the logic of numbers in the formula. In case the right side is evaluated by fraction, the variables are defined firstly for the formula numerator and secondly for the denominator. Total number of symbols in the index has to be minimal.
To indicate physical quantity the Microsoft Equation is used as follows:
1. Variables, Latin letters – Times New Roman, italics, size 11;
2. Functions, numerals, Ukrainian letters – Times New Roman, normal font, size 11;
3. Matrixes, vectors – Times New Roman, semi-bold, normal font, size 11;
4. Greek letters, symbols – Symbol, normal font, size 11;
5. Sizes: normal 11 pt, big index 14 pt, small symbol 11 pt.
Chemical formulas are typed in normal font, size 11.
Drawings are presented as separate files in TIFF, JPG, BMP format.
Drawings in Microsoft Word must be grouped.
The images must be of high quality (300-600 dpi), in black, line width – 2 pt.
Figures should have letterings (size 10) and graphics – numerals (size 10). All explanations are presented separately below the figures (size 10).
Illustrations’ details are indicated by Arabic numerals (size 11), starting with number 1, with no gaps, no duplication, or clockwise, or horizontally from the left to the right, or vertically from the top to the bottom.
The language for projections, arrows, boundary lines, coordinate axis must be English (size 11). The titles start with a capital letter (size 11). No points. No abbreviations in the titles.
Graphics may be presented with or without the coordinate axis. The coordinate axis has to be graded and ranked with indication of the interim values (size 11) as well as symbolic and short name of the unit. Coma is put between the value and the unit. Numbers (size 11) are put near the coordinate axis, zero is written once.
The list of references should be presented in accordance with the national standards (DSTU GOST 7.1:2006) as follows: an author’s surname and initials, full title of the book, volume, place of issue, publisher’s name, year of issue, total number of pages, the pages of the extract of reference.
All references should be numbered as a list. The references in the text are put in square brackets. Authors’ surnames and names are written in italics. Only first three authors should be presented.
Copyright is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright to National Aviation University. This enables National Aviation University to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Scientific Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors retain many rights under the National Aviation University rights policies (Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2297-17), which can be found at http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/visnik/about/ editorialPolicies#custom-0. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
Положення про авторські права
Автори, які публікуються у цьому журналі, погоджуються з такими умовами:- Автори залишають за собою право на авторство своєї роботи та передають журналу право першої публікації цієї роботи на умовах ліцензії Creative Commons Attribution License, котра дозволяє іншим особам вільно розповсюджувати опубліковану роботу з обов'язковим посиланням на авторів оригінальної роботи та першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.
- Автори мають право укладати самостійні додаткові угоди щодо неексклюзивного розповсюдження роботи у тому вигляді, в якому вона була опублікована цим журналом (наприклад, розміщувати роботу в електронному сховищі установи або публікувати у складі монографії), за умови збереження посилання на першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.
- Політика журналу дозволяє і заохочує розміщення авторами в мережі Інтернет (наприклад, у сховищах установ або на особистих веб-сайтах) рукопису роботи, як до подання цього рукопису до редакції, так і під час його редакційного опрацювання, оскільки це сприяє виникненню продуктивної наукової дискусії та позитивно позначається на оперативності та динаміці цитування опублікованої роботи (див. The Effect of Open Access).