
  • Volodymyr Kharchenko National Aviation University
  • Wang Bo Ningbo University of Technology
  • Andrii Grekhov National Aviation University
  • Marina Kovalenko National Aviation University



average utilization, data bit rate, message travelling time, models for communication channel “Aircrafts-to-Satellites-Ground Stations”, satellite communication channel, traffic


For modelling of ADS-B messages transmition with the help of low-orbit satellite complex Іrіdіumdifferent models of communication channel "Aircraft-to-Satellites-to-Ground Stations" were built using NetCrackerProfessіonal 4.1 software. Influence of aircraft and satellites amount on average link utilization and message travellingtime was studied for telecommunication channels with intersatellite link and bent-pipe architecture. The effect ofcommunication channel "saturation" during simultaneous data transmission through a satellite communicationchannel from many planes was investigated.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Kharchenko, National Aviation University

Kharchenko Volodymyr (1943). Doctor of Engineering. Professor.Holder of a State Award in Science and Engineering of Ukraine. Winner of a State Prize of Ukraine in Science andEngineering.Vice-Rector for Scientific-Research Work, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.Head of the Department of Air Navigation Systems, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.Professor of Traffic College of Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, China.Education: Kyiv Civil Aviation Engineers Institute with a Degree in Radio Engineering, Kyiv, Ukraine (1967).Research area: management of complex socio-technical systems, air navigation systems and automatic decision-makingsystems aimed at avoidance conflict situations, space information technology design, air navigation services in Ukraineprovided by СNS/АТМ systems.

Wang Bo, Ningbo University of Technology

Wang Bo (1980). Associate Professor.College of Economics and Management, Ningbo University of Technology, China.Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine, with a Degree in aviation fuel cost control.Research area: presided over a “high-end project” launched by Chinese Bureau of Foreign Experts; presided over andaccomplished a longitudinal project launched by the provincial education department; presided over a 800-thousandYuan horizontal project launched by Ningbo Traffic Detachment; took a major part in a project on internationalcooperation launched by Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2/6); took part in a municipal project on socialsciences and quite a number of horizontal projects in Ningbo.

Andrii Grekhov, National Aviation University

Grekhov Andrii (1951). Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (1990). Professor (1991).Expert of EUROCONTROL for ADS-B systems.Department of Air Navigation Systems, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.Education: Physical Department of the Kyiv State Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine (1973), M.Sc. Degree withHonors confirming qualification of Physicist Theorist.Research area: air satellite communications and information channels, computer modeling of information flowstransmission in airborne collision avoidance systems, ADS-B systems, onboard recorder and communication channels,surveillance processes and modern signal processing, expansion of terrestrial surveillance systems for ADS-B usingsatellite system IRIDIUM, noise resistant codind and forward error correction, aviation security assessment based onsimulation.

Marina Kovalenko, National Aviation University

Kovalenko Marina (1990). Student.National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Kharchenko, V., Bo, W., Grekhov, A., & Kovalenko, M. (2014). INVESTIGATION OF ADS-B MESSAGES TRAFFIC VIA SATELLITE COMMUNICATION CHANNEL. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 61(4), 7–13.




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