Research of descriptions of collinear aerial receiving system ADS-B by numeral methods


  • В. П. Харченко National Aviation University
  • Ю. М. Барабанов National Aviation University
  • А. М. Грехов National Aviation University
  • Д. І. Терещенко National Aviation University



communication, navigation, surveillance, effectiveness of sociotechnical systems


Calculations of electric field intensity and directional diagrammes for colinear antennas using a method of moments in the framework of two program complexes are carried out. Comparison has shown high level of results coincidence. The sample of the antenna which is used in operating system for reception of ADS-B signals from airborne transponders is constructed

Author Biographies

В. П. Харченко, National Aviation University

Kharchenko Volodymyr (1946). Doctor of Engineering. Professor.

Holder of a State Award in Science and Engineering of Ukraine. Winner of a State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Engineering.

Vice-Rector for Scientific-Research Work, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Head of the Department of Air Navigation Systems, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education: Kyiv Civil Aviation Engineers Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine (1967).

Research area: communication, navigation, surveillance, effectiveness of sociotechnical systems.

Ю. М. Барабанов, National Aviation University

Barabanov Yurii (1951). Candidate of Engineering (1996). Associate Professor.

Department of Air Navigation Systems, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education: Higher Military Engineering Aviation Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine (1973).

Research area: computer modeling of antennas, wireless and satellite communications networks, telecommunications, ADS-B systems.

А. М. Грехов, National Aviation University

Grekhov Andrii (1951). Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (1990). Professor (1991).

Department of Air Navigation Systems, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education: Kyiv State T. Shevchenko, Kyiv, Ukraine (1990).

Research area: surveillance, ADS-B systems, telecommunications, computer modeling.

Д. І. Терещенко, National Aviation University

Tereshchenko Dmytro (1987). Postgraduate student.

Department of Air Navigation Systems, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Education: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine (2011).

Research area: computer modeling of antennas, wireless and satellite communications networks, ADS-B systems.


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How to Cite

Харченко, В. П., Барабанов, Ю. М., Грехов, А. М., & Терещенко, Д. І. (2013). Research of descriptions of collinear aerial receiving system ADS-B by numeral methods. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 55(2), 13–20.




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