
  • Kateryna Povoroznyk National Aviation University



air navigation communication, efficient air – to – ground communication, influence, interaction, interpersonal dialogueintersubject approach, psycho-physiological characteristics


 The article is about a problem of air navigation communication and the positive influence of interpersonal communication for air navigation specialists. The ability of organizing a dialogue with subject – subject relationship substantially increase professional interaction efficiency. As scientific surveys show a dialogue is not just the form of communication, but an organizing phenomenon that directly influences the quality of air navigation communication, but there is still a gap in the aviation English teaching technics, mainly due to lack of psycho – pedagogical knowledge concerning human factor peculiarities within dialogical relationship framework. The article highlights the possible ways of the problem solution.

Author Biography

Kateryna Povoroznyk, National Aviation University

Assist. Prof.


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How to Cite

Povoroznyk, K. (2012). INTERACTION SPECIFICITY IN AIR NAVIGATION COMMUNICATION. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 51(2), 130–135.

