Complex of the means and actions of operative reaction to dangerous displays of harmful substances of the emergency situations


  • Ф.І. Гончаров National University of the Bioresources and Natureuses of Ukraine



dangerous and harmful substances, emergency situation, safe water supply


It is proved creations of the complex the means and actions of neutralisation the harmful consequences action of emergency situations, the basic lacks traditional schemes of counteraction to emergency situations are revealed. The full-function block diagramme corresponding means of the counteraction to negative factors technogenic and este-stvennogo origins, including radiating pollution is developed. Means of system of safe water use are developed.

Author Biography

Ф.І. Гончаров, National University of the Bioresources and Natureuses of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Гончаров, Ф. (2010). Complex of the means and actions of operative reaction to dangerous displays of harmful substances of the emergency situations. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 43(2), 120–126.

