Ecological assessment of new technologies of dyeing using in aviation


  • Г.І. Архіпова National Aviation University
  • А.О. Падун National Aviation University
  • К.Т. Погосова National Aviation University



аircraft industry, еnvironment, greening, lacquer-dye materials, organic solvent, painting, powder paint


 In article is presented the comparing analysis of liquid and powder paints and defined the advantage of powder paints using. Implementation of the proposed technology in the aircraft painting industry is safety for environment, has high quality material and energy consumption. Powder painting technology allows to get affordable coverage with the high atmosphere and chemical resistance. Using the powder paints is a effective direction for its use in the aviation industry.

Author Biographies

Г.І. Архіпова, National Aviation University

к. т. н, доц.

А.О. Падун, National Aviation University

к. т. н., доц.

К.Т. Погосова, National Aviation University



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How to Cite

Архіпова, Г., Падун, А., & Погосова, К. (2010). Ecological assessment of new technologies of dyeing using in aviation. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 42(1), 236–239.




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