Ecological properties of gas-liquid fuels


  • С.В. Бойченко National Aviation University
  • Л.М. Черняк National Aviation University
  • О.В. Полякова National Aviation University
  • О.О. Степенко National Aviation University



aeriform component, non-toxic, running abilities, technology of application


 Gas hydrocarbons compounds, obtained on the base of natural and passing oil gas, have found more practical application like motor fuels among different types of burning gases. Operational properties and application characteristics of gas fuels are determined by the properties of their components. Advantages of this methodconcerning the use of gas fuels are delineated by the ability of the rapid passing to work from a liquid fuel on a gas and the back and by deficiency of substantial structural changes of base variant of engine. There are following requirements, which proffer to natural gas, uses in a compressed form as motor fuel: absence of dust and liquid rest, and also a minimum humidity. The last requirement is connected with  the exception of fuel system channels clogging and which is related with freezing and fall of hydrates as result of throttle and fluid temperature decrease during filling a transport. Important advantage of gas fuels in compare with oil-derived fuels is better ecological characteristics and also a decrease of emissions discharge by engine waste gas. Carbon oxide CO, nitrogen oxide NOx, total hydrocarbons СпНm and lead, in case of leaded gasoline use, are such well-known compounds. Adaptation of vehicle on gas fuel is possible both for gasoline and diesel engines both for truck and car transport. First of all it is necessary to appoint that diesel engine can’t operate with gas fuel only. Gas can’t ignite after compression like diesel fuel because of a temperature of its self ignition is significantly high (about 700 oС on the contrary  320−380oС for diesel). At gas-diesel regime two fuels are hit to the engine – basic diesel (but in less quantity in compare with basic), and additional – gas (fuel for displacement). At that basic diesel fuel plays a role of “ignition” dose to ignite an integral gas-air fuel compound. A degree of displacement an auxiliary fuel depends on a few factors, mainly on the type of gas fuel (methane or propane), a perfection |establish| of auxiliary gas-fuel system system installation. On the first stage there is offer to concentrate efforts on development and implementation to a wide exploitation a car transport with engines, which will operate with aviation condensed fuel (ASKT), obtained on the base of oil gas. ASKT (ТУ 39-1547-91) is a compound of high-boiling hydrocarbons gases: propane, butane, pentane, hexane. ASKT is exceeded an aviagas in compare with some operational characteristics. This fuel is cheaper, ecological friendly and less aggressively in relation to construction and sealing materials. At that such type of gas fuel like a ASKT-B (propane free ASKT) can be fill directly to fuel tanks of regional aircrafts type Іл-114, Як-40 and others to temperature of surround environment on the earth not less +5° C (indicated temperatures are typical for some regions of Syberia and North till 10 months per year). On the second level a cryogenic hydrocarbon fuels with wide temperature range of liquid condition (ASKT-K) will be an object of investigations on the implementation to aviation and space techniques. Basic components of such fuels are propane and butane, which characterized by high operational properties. There are components of natural, oil-derived and oil-plants gases and they can be produce in large quantity. Combustion specific heat of  ASKT-K is more above 6−7% in compare with aviation kerosene.

Author Biographies

С.В. Бойченко, National Aviation University

проф., д.т.н.

Л.М. Черняк, National Aviation University


О.В. Полякова, National Aviation University


О.О. Степенко, National Aviation University



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How to Cite

Бойченко, С., Черняк, Л., Полякова, О., & Степенко, О. (2010). Ecological properties of gas-liquid fuels. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 42(1), 212–218.




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