Biomass fuel based on dead leafs
biomass, dead leafs, ecology, fuel, oil products, vegetable wastesAbstract
One of the priority directions of the Ukrainian fuel industry development is the application of the energy-saving technology and alternative energy sources. As a sort of sources the different industrial and domestic wastes could be considered. The present work is focused on the application of the special treated plant wastes for obtaining of the fuel which could be used both for the domestic purposes and in industry as an auxiliary material to the main fuel. The development of the plant waste processing technology for the fuel allows resolving of two problems: utilization of the plant waste into the fuel and the environment state improving. To obtain the fuel from the special treated dead leafs the experimental features of the dead leafs were determined. The experimental samples of the fuel and composites consisting of the dead leafs and coal, shale oil, oil products wastes have been developed. The results of the ecological assessment have shown that the fuel based on the dead leafs have no danger for the state of the environment.
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