Navigational aids, APNT, DME, VOR, DME/DME, positioning, stand-by, aircraft, civil aviationAbstract
Nowadays the problem of primary positioning system of aircraft malfunction became valuable due to influence of interference and unintentional jamming of radio signals. Selection of an efficientstand-by positioning system is an important task of a modern flight management system. Stand-by positioning systems have to meet all requirements of performance-based navigation according to specification is used in the airspace. The paper is aimed atthe analysis of available positioning algorithms and systems for use in civil aircraft in case of primary positioning system malfunction. Positioning by navigational aids is considered as the main alternative in case of primary system malfunction for Ukrainian airspace, due to a sufficientnetwork of ground stations. Also, results of performance analysis in form of contours of correspondence with requirements of area navigation specifications are presented in the paper for Ukrainian airspace at FL 290. Obtained results may be useful at pilot training for visualization of areas unsupported for navigation and for ground navigational aids development processReferences
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