The researches of the ecological condition of the airport zone as a result of soil and water objects pollution by mineral oil


  • С.М. Маджд НАУ, кафедра екології
  • Г.М. Франчук НАУ, кафедра екології



 In this work the results of research of surface waters and a topsoil on the contents of mineral oil in territories adjoining to the airport are adduced. The high contamination level is determined by mineral oil of environmental components. The ecological evaluation of a condition of surface waters and topsoil is carried out  for ensuring of environmental safety of components of the environment in the airport zone.

Author Biography

Г.М. Франчук, НАУ, кафедра екології

д-р техн. наук


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How to Cite

Маджд, С., & Франчук, Г. (2005). The researches of the ecological condition of the airport zone as a result of soil and water objects pollution by mineral oil. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 26(4), 141–143.




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