Fast transformation algorithms of haar


  • A. Y. Beletsky NAU
  • A. A. Beletsky NAU
  • A. A. Davletyants NAU



The below is the structure chart o f the tree for the direct and inverse discrete transformation o f thesignals on the finite interval in the basis o f the Haar functions that allow minimizing the resourceexpenditures fo r the software or hardware implementation o f the algorithm

Author Biographies

A. Y. Beletsky, NAU

Institute of Electronics and Control Systems. Dr. Sci.

A. A. Beletsky, NAU

Institute of Electronics and Control Systems

A. A. Davletyants, NAU

Institute of Electronics and Control Systems


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How to Cite

Beletsky, A. Y., Beletsky, A. A., & Davletyants, A. A. (2003). Fast transformation algorithms of haar. Proceedings of National Aviation University, 17(2), 14–17.

