adaptation, agriculture, catastrophic events, climate change, desertification, ecological consequences, levels of the Black sea and the Sea of Azov, precipitation, scenarios, steppe phytosystem, temperature, vegetation changes, water resourcesAbstract
Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the basic features of climate change in Ukraine at 20th–21st centuries and to obtain an estimation of possible regional ecological consequences under influence of global warming. Methods: The empirical constants of the constructed semi-empirical models were estimated on the basis of the statistical analysis of materials of meteorological observations on meteorological stations of Ukraine for the XX century – beginning of XXІ century. The obtained results can be used to construct scenarios of the possible climate change in Ukraine at global warming in the near future. Results: The climatic conditions of Ukraine have definitely reacted to global warming (the annual temperature increased by 0.6±0.2 оС/100 years and insignificant increase of the annual sums of precipitations (5–7% for 100 years)). The features of transformation of seasonal course of climatic fields of Ukraine of the temperature and atmospheric precipitations considered also. Taking into account global features of climate change are offered regional climate scenarios (temperature and precipitation) in Ukraine for the 2050. Discussion: The analysis of the basic ecological consequences of global warming, which already happened or can be in the nearest future in Ukraine is carried out: increasing level of the Black sea and Sea of Azov; the spatiotemporal transformation of steppe phytosystem structure; changes in Northern Sea of Azov maritime spits ecosystems; excitation of catastrophic events in Ukraine, desertification process development in southern and southeast regions of Ukraine, climate change impacts on agriculture, aspects of water resources.
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