The system of heuristic rules formation for network activity assessment


  • Анна Олександрівна Корченко Національний авіаційний університет



cyber attacks, anomalies, intrusion detection systems, anomaly detection systems, attack detection systems, anomaly detection in computer networks, heuristic rules, network activity assessment


Based on the known method for anomalies detection caused by the cyberattacks the corresponding system has been developed. The implementation of this system requires the realization phase of multiple set of heuristic rules formation. They are intended to create the appropriating critical rules directed on truth verification of reference and current parameters interrelations when the network activity is being assessed in a specific environment. This paper suggests a new structural solution of the corresponding system based on the critical rules and containing switching units, the formation of linguistic variables, rules ranking and initialization, as well as registers of standards, current values, linguistic identifiers and rules. The proposed solution can be implemented through software or hardware and to be used as the basis of systems for anomalies detection.

Author Biography

Анна Олександрівна Корченко, Національний авіаційний університет

PhD in Eng., Associate Professor of Academic Department of IT-Security, National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).


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