Protect the operating environment internet voting systems


  • Володимир Михайлович Чуприн National Aviation University
  • Володимир Михайлович Вишняков National Aviation University
  • Михайло Петрович Пригара Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



Internet voting, technical protection of information, secrecy of votes, the voting system transparency, ensuring voter confidence


In this paper we propose a method of creating a secure operating environment for Internet voting system server, which eliminates the causes of public distrust about the possible falsification of results or disclosure of the secretsof the vote. The method is based on the concept of the security kernel. Portion of memory is allocated in the server, where exclusive access to the data of the vote counting process has previously verified open application. To prevent access to this memory portion of any other processes is used an open operating system, which does not have functions for such access. Furthermore, conditions have been created for the remote monitoring of the integrity of any and all files and processes on the server, as well as all of the personnel server administration from an unlimited number of controllers that can become any person concerned. It is shown that the proposed method in conjunction with known methods of protecting information transmitted via open channels, it makes it possible to identify any and all possible threats to disclose the secrets of the vote counting and distortion of the results of Internet voting systems. The introduction of this method can be useful in many areas for all public and expert remote surveys that require counting accuracy and secrecy of the vote in full confidence to any and all participants in the electoral process.

Author Biographies

Володимир Михайлович Чуприн, National Aviation University

PhD in engineering, professor, Department of Telecommunication Systems, National Aviation University

Володимир Михайлович Вишняков, National Aviation University

PhD in engineering, associate professor, Department of Telecommunication Systems, National Aviation University

Михайло Петрович Пригара, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

graduate student of Department of Information Technologies, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture


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