



data base, DevOps, data masking, database testing


Data base development integration in to the DevOps delivery pipeline is a nessential challenge due to the growing popularity of this application development methodology. The goal of integrating data base changes as part of the DevOps process is to speed up the delivery ofany data base changes. Data base DevOps practice aimstorm prove the data base management efficiency. This practice helps optimize the process of data base deployment and modification, making it possible to auto matemany aspects of the data base life cycle. However, the implementation of Data base DevOps faces certa in challenges. The peculiarities of the database as an object of the information system lead to the fact that their full automation of testing is possible only on data that are as close as possible to the real data in the production database. However, the use of real data creates legitimate data confidentiality risks. The article discusses the methodology of data preparation for testing, meet the requirements of realism and provides the confidentiality of real data. To create this methodology, the analysis of thedatabase development process integrationin DevOps features carried out and problematic identified in terms of operation confidentiality in the DevOps delivery pipeline. These are DB testing operations performed at different stages of DevOps.To maintain the adequacy of the subject area data on the one hand, and ensure its confidentiality on the other hand, a sequence of transformations of information in the database that meets these conditions is proposed.



DORA-State of DevOps. URL: http:// cloudplatformonline.com/rs/248-TPC-86/images/ DORA-State of DevOps.pdf.

SQL Server 2015 Release Notes. URL: https:// docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssdt/download-sq l-server-data-tools-ssdt?redirectedfrom=MSDN &view=sql-server-ver15.

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