The methodology of analysis of risks of tree that identifiers the state informative resources


  • Сергій Степанович Бучик Zhitomir Military Institute of the name of S.P. Korolyova



state informative resources, risk, risk management, risk level, asset, threat, vulnerability, counter-measure, attack


In the article the methodology of analysis of risks of tree of identifiers of state informative resources is shown. The actually place of analysis of risks of the informative safety at the state level is not certain, that stipulates the actuality of the realization of researches after this subject. This methodology is built on the basis of the first offered by the author two methods : the method of determination of level of risk of application of certain countermeasures in relation to certain resources, which will realize the methodology of “double three of defence” presented by the author before; the method of clusterization of risks on the basis of the transition shorting of binary relation of assets, which allows by division after corresponding α- by levels to get the clusters of state informative resources, which are grouped after the levels of risk. After that there is a possibility to trace the order of association in the clusters of state informative resources for their further analysis that can be conducted by the further receipt of optimal α- level, below which a risk is possible. The second method is logical addition of the first, thus at the evaluation of risks of informative safety a sufficient condition is the use only of the first method.

Author Biography

Сергій Степанович Бучик, Zhitomir Military Institute of the name of S.P. Korolyova

PhD in Eng., chief of department of auto-mated control the system the Zhitomir Military Institute of the name of S.P. Korolyova


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