psychological dependence; addiction; addictive behavior; adolescence; external and internal determination; social adaptationAbstract
The article highlights the results of a study of external and internal factors associated with the emergence of psychological addiction in modern teenagers. The purpose of the article is to display the results of a study devoted to an empirical comparison of the influence of external and internal determinants on the emergence of a state of addiction. According to the goal, the tasks of the research were specified: 1) to identify the levels of formation of adolescents' tendency to additive behavior; 2) identify quantitative values of external and internal factors; 3) to reveal the nature of connections between types of addiction and external and internal factors. The theoretical views of scientists on the nature of addiction are analyzed, the classification of types of addiction is given, the specificity of adolescence as the period most vulnerable to the emergence of addictive (additive) behavior is revealed. It is noted that in a society that has been in a state of crisis for a long time (forced social isolation of broad segments of the population during the pandemic, prolonged frustration in wartime conditions exacerbates the issue of increasing the psychological resistance of adolescents to external influences, the desire to resolve conflicts on a constructive basis. The methodological basis is characterized research, which consists of three methods: 1) scale "D" of the "International questionnaire for studying the prevalence of violence against children - children's version (ICAST-С)., 2) method of diagnosing susceptibility to various types of addiction by Lozova G; 3) express diagnosis of the level of personal frustration (V. V. Boyko). The results of an empirical research are presented, which proved that: 1) External determination most contributes to the formation of such types of addiction as: addiction to a healthy lifestyle (correlation coefficient 0.80), drug addiction (0.73), food addiction (0.69), tobacco (0.77), alcohol (0.69). The smallest associations were found with drug dependence (0.29) and religious dependence (0.1). 2) Internal determination (the level of frustration as an indicator of the degree of response to conflict events) is more related to such types of addiction as computer addiction (0.52), tobacco (0.51), drug addiction (0.51), alcohol (0.49), television (0.49), gaming (0.48), addiction to a healthy lifestyle (0.02), drug addiction (0.1), sexual addiction (0 ,1). It has been proven that the external determination (traumatic influence) clearly dominates most of the connections that exist between the emergence of a tendency to addiction in teenagers. This can be explained by the fact that teenagers have not yet developed the experience of constructively solving life problems, so when complications arise, they are more likely to act in a destructive way. The priority areas of work with adolescents are outlined: the formation of self-regulation skills and abilities, the acquisition of effective coping strategies by adolescents, the increase of tolerance to frustration, the acquisition of methods for predicting the consequences of deviant behavior, the formation of a positive self-concept and confidence in one's ability to influence life now and in the future
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