
  • Anzhelika Kokarieva National Aviation University
  • Elvira Luzik National Aviation University
  • Nataliia Ladohubets National Aviation University
  • Tamara Mykheieva Національний авіаційний університет



personality traits; higher education students; professional formatio; psychological factors; development; tolerance to uncertainty


The article analyzes the process of professional specialists  formation, which is determined by the psychological factors of the tolerance development of higher education students to uncertainty. The authors of the article prove the importance of taking into account personality properties that are basic, stable, permanent over time, that affect the professional development of a future specialist and play a significant role in assessing the likely results of decision-making in situations of uncertainty.    

The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation and empirical study of psychological factors in the development of tolerance to uncertainty. The tasks of research are focused  on  the scientific substantiation of  the concept  "tolerance to uncertainty"; identification of  psychological factors in the development of  tolerance to uncertainty; analysis and interpretation of research results regarding the development of  tolerance to uncertainty. The results of research proved that students of higher education, who have developed a high level of tolerance to uncertainty, are able to make alternative, creative and non-standard decisions, gain new experience even under conditions of uncertainty. Applicants of higher education possessing a feature of competence, are ready for creativity, experiments, improvisation. Higher education students, who have developed an average level of tolerance to uncertainty, are ready to work in conditions of lack of information, gaining new experience, ready for news, for solving complex tasks. Conclusions. Summarizing the results of the research on the development of tolerance to uncertainty, we rely on a personality trait, the psychological essence of which is resistance to the effects of the factor of uncertainty, vagueness of the environment and is manifested in the acceptance of ambiguity during the search for decision alternatives; tolerant attitude to novelty, variability and complexity of situations, to unpredictability. It has been proven that situations of uncertainty, which are a source of  individual activity, contribute both  to  the formation of positive motivation for research activities and  the need for special training of higher education students  for  professional  actions in situations of  uncertainty, thus contributing to their further professional development

Author Biographies

Anzhelika Kokarieva, National Aviation University

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри педагогіки та психології професійної освіти, заступник декана факультету лінгвістики та соціальних комунікацій Національного авіаційного університету

Elvira Luzik, National Aviation University

head of the department of pedagogy and psychology of professional education

Nataliia Ladohubets, National Aviation University

Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications of the National Aviation University

Tamara Mykheieva, Національний авіаційний університет

teacher of the department of pedagogy and psychology of professional education of the National Aviation University


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2022-11-04 — Updated on 2022-11-04



