
  • Лілія Володимирівна Барановська Національний авіаційний університет
  • Єфемія Мефодіївна Харадзе Тбіліський державний університет імені Іване Джавахішвілі



the mixed form of educational activity, innovations in the higher education, pandemic, situation studies, technology of heuristic education


In the article the results of theoretical research of problem of the use of innovative educational technologies are offered in a period the pandemic predefined transformations. A research aim consists in the theoretical ground of expediency of the use of innovative educational technologies in professional preparation in connection with the pandemic predefined changes in the design of educational process in establishments of higher education. The results of researches in relation to the organizational, methodical features of higher education in pandemic terms and their prognoses are analysed on a period after Covid. The terminological analysis of key from the problem of research concepts is carried out. Expediency of the use of innovative-technological approach is reasonable on the transformation stage of development of higher education. Results: the problems related to worsening of psychical health of subjects of higher education in the conditions of the pandemic predefined crisis are educed; the total passing is set to the mixed and controlled from distance forms of educational activity and incomplete methodical and instrumental readiness of teachers to educational activity in new terms. A prognosis is educed in relation to the change of paradigm of trade education: school of learning will prevail, a teacher will execute role of fasilitator, coordinator; such criteria of evaluation of educational achievements of students are important: formed of consciousness and psychological firmness, capacity for a collaboration. The methods of causal-resulting and structural-functional analysis allowed to define expediency of the use of such innovative educational technologies for overcoming of contradictions in higher education in connection with a pandemic, as technology of the mixed and controlled from distance educational activity, technology of situation studies, technology of heuristic studies. Conclusions. Changes in organization of educational process in connection with a pandemic made important the using of innovative educational technologies of the blended learning and controlled from distance studies. A coronaviruses is precipitating of global digitalization, to that it is specially needed to prepare the subjects of educational activity. Technologies of case assist making of practical skills, development of the system of values of students, their professional positions, vital options, that clearly correlates with prognoses in relation to forming of new educational paradigm. It is important in crisis situations, that the bread-winner of higher education did not lose the own trajectory of personality and professional development, it is assisted by educational technology of research (heuristic) studies

Author Biographies

Лілія Володимирівна Барановська, Національний авіаційний університет

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки та психології професійної освіти

Єфемія Мефодіївна Харадзе, Тбіліський державний університет імені Іване Джавахішвілі

доктор педагогічних наук, асистент професора факультету психології та освітніх наук


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