professional competence, innovative model, personal abilities, synergetic paradigm, educational and pedagogical interactionAbstract
Changes in science, globalization and world economy informatization predetermine the formation of new requirements to the professional competence of modern specialists directly influencing the understanding of the aim, tasks and the way of their preparation, thus, encouraging the updating of the education system in its purpose-, content- and value- contexts. Searching the right ways of settling down the question what kind of education in its content and form will satisfy a person in the 21st century meaning the innovative model of education, the subject core of which is in providing the informative background and the development of personal abilities, and the meaningful basis for the motivation of professional activity under the relevance of adequate facilities and educating technologies. Modern methodology of research of open self-organizing systems, that are determined by such aspects of creative essence of synergetic as non-linearity, coherentness, openness, forms a new methodology of wrestling with the information crisis that has become one of the most urgent issues nowadays in modern science and education. The using of concepts, principles, methods and models of synergetic paradigm, that are to be the basis of evolution of higher professional education, will be able to release the consciousness of a specialist from ideas and methods of violent pedagogies, thus, assisting in enriching the learning process with dialogue-bearing facilities and methods of educationally-pedagogical co-operation
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