
  • С.В. ЯНІКІН ДВНЗ «КНЕУ імені Вадима Гетьмана», кафедра міжнародних фінансів


World Bank, International Monetary Fund, international public goods, dedollarization of IFIs, the private sector, financial instability


 This article describes a number of ways, which may facilitate the improvement of activities of international financial institutions at the present level of the global financial system development. Particular attention is paid to the problem of international public goods and their delivery by international financial institutions. Further, an approach of financial dedollarisation of IFIs is discussed as one of highly effective mechanisms. In addition, the article raised and examined in detail the idea that IFI’s activity may be improved by improving their interaction with the private sector.

Author Biography

С.В. ЯНІКІН, ДВНЗ «КНЕУ імені Вадима Гетьмана», кафедра міжнародних фінансів



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