external debt, IFO, Ukraine, external debt managementAbstract
The cooperation between Ukraine and the IFO has been characterized, on the one hand, by thecountry’s wish and willingness to attract internationals donors’ funds, and on the other hand, by lack of effectiveness inmanaging received funds. Despite some positive steps in reforming discrete aspects of socio-economic sphere, Ukrainestill remains “enfant terrible” of the IFO, insofar instead of implementing systematic reforms in major spheres, thecountry has accumulated unprecedented debts and continues using new funds in order to discharge its previous debts.In light of such specificity of relations between Ukraine and the IFO, the present article provides an analysis ofparticularities and perspectives of management of Ukraine’s external debts. Focus is further put on ways aimed to enhancing effectiveness of the use of funds obtained from the IFO and on measures which are necessary in order toform internal economic prerequisites to guarantee the country’s public debt. In addition, an overview is made asregards main factors that undermine the country’s capacity to properly discharge its commitments with respect to international creditors.References
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