Technology of analyzing electronic media to identify informational and psychological influence
information flow, electronic mass media, information conflict, informational and psychological influence, informational and psychological operation, PR influenceAbstract
Our many years of research into media information flows have allowed us to reveal a general scheme for implementing informational and psychological influence. The structures created by the decision-making centers (DMCs – “Kremlin towers”) of the aggressor during the hybrid war are designed to conduct information and special informational-psychological operations (SIPO) that support military actions through acts of informational-psychological influence. These operations are implemented by publishing “toxic” messages in news media controlled by the aggressor. The content of these messages poses an informational threat. These messages are then spread further by the aggressor’s network of “bot farms” on social media, simulating public opinion. During wartime, SIPO aim to exhaust society, undermine the morale of the military, and prompt ill-considered military-political decisions by state authorities. Together, structured messages and topics form an “information matrix” that characterizes the information content of individual IPI in the process of conducting hybrid SIPO. The work is devoted to the further development of models and methods of detection and assessment of PR influence to identify and establish the informational content of informational and psychological influence. The refined technology is formulated in an analytical form. The main elements necessary for its practical implementation are identified. The technological process of analyzing electronic media to identify and establish the information content of IPI is described using a UML usage diagram. An example of fragments of an automatically generated report, built using the analyst's AW software, is provided, which form the basis of the final analytical report, and the analyst's conclusion on narratives and identified IPI for the reporting period in the form of abstracts.
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