Internet network model with account of network location




network structure, Internet of Things, signal attenuation by interference, signal/noise ratio, rectangular lattice, percolation, graph theory, simulation modeling


The purpose of this research is to prove the usefulness of the conclusions of the percolation theory for the assessment of the connectivity of the Internet of Things network. The probability that there is a route between two pairs of nodes determines the connectivity of the network. When this probability approaches unity, the network is considered connected. For example, finding the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes (the vertices of the graph describing the network) can be used to assess connectivity in a particular situation. Two reasons make this problem difficult to solve. First, the computational resource required for this grows proportionally to n3, where n is the number of vertices of the graph. Second, existing analytical approaches are usually focused on specific cases rather than on a large number of nodes.

The article proposes a network model in the form of a lattice, which serves as a logical basis for structuring connections between nodes located in different rooms. The shape of the grid is controlled by the layout of the building. The obtained model makes it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the communication channel using the estimation of the PSP and the general ratio of the SS for the nodes of the network. The use of the model allows us to confidently state that in a modern multi-story structure, if the nodes are strategically placed in each room, it is quite possible to create a wireless communication network. In addition, the quality of the radio channel allows you to use data transfer rates that meet the highest standards of modern technologies.


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