Algorithm for calculating the power system voltage frequency using quadrature components




algorithm for calculating the voltage frequency, voltage frequency error, quadrature components, digital filters, least squares method


The scientific article solves an important scientific and technical problem – minimizing the error in calculating the power system voltage frequency. The calculation of the voltage frequency is important because it helps to ensure the reliability and stability of power facilities. Long-term operation of equipment with a significant deviation of the voltage frequency from the nominal value leads to increased wear and premature failure. In addition, a mismatch between the frequency and the nominal value can lead to additional errors when measuring other parameters of power facilities.

The algorithm is based on calculating the power system voltage frequency using quadrature components. In the course of the work, a structural scheme for calculating the voltage frequency using digital filters was proposed. The synthesis of digital filters was also performed. To verify the results obtained, a computer simulation was performed using the Python programming language. An algorithm for calculating the voltage frequency in the power grid is proposed.


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